This s*** just isn’t right

I wanted to buy a six-pack of beer in cans yesterday, to drink and throw the empties at the TV if UCLA beat Arizona in softball (as they did).

I find it is increasingly difficult to buy a six-pack; 12-packs are all the rage. And bottles outnumber cans by a large margin. I just wanted a six-pack of cans, but I ended up thinking the best deal was 12 Stella Artois in bottles.

I bring it home, put the case in the refrigerator with a couple in the freezer to speed up the chill. I’m an American; I like my beer cold (even if I bought a Belgian beer).

But I decide to have a Margarita instead.

Later I remember to get the two bottles out of the freezer. That’s when I notice they are not 12 ounces, which is the amount Moses brought down from Mount Sinai as the proper portable package for beer.

No, they are 11.2 ounces.

Eleven. Point. Two.

WTF is this? You can make the OJ containers smaller. You can make the jam jars smaller. You can mess with almost anything.

But you don’t mess with beer.

3 thoughts on “This s*** just isn’t right”

  1. It really irks me that they made the ice cream containers smaller… TWICE now! Are consumers really so dumb that they don’t notice how many food containers are shrinking? Does it really keep people from realizing the price [per ounce, pound, whatever] has gone up?

    1. They can import the beer but the bottles should be made right here in the Good Old U.S. of A.

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