Idle thought

Adding up all the numbers, about 75 billion human beings have lived and died by now.

How many do you suppose are in heaven?

What do they do there?

8 thoughts on “Idle thought”

  1. I don’t believe there have been 75 billion human beings. 75 billion bodies, maybe–but housing a considerably smaller number of souls.

  2. While I completely agree with MJH, positing the existence of souls raises some interesting and amusing questions.

    For example, at what point in evolution did humans have enough of a soul to go to heaven?

    What about Neanderthals? Australopithicus? The Taliban?

    If this is indeed a slippery slope, who’s to say some animals don’t have souls? Cetaceans, at least, by my reckoning.

    And how is it that some humans do not seem to have a soul?

  3. Any first year Physics student can tell you that physical matter doesn’t even exist. If physical matter doesn’t exist, then physical history doesn’t exist. No more Darwin. No more any thing. If we’re not bodies then we must be spirit, and if we ain’t spirit, then we ain’t S***!
    It’s all a dream within a dream.

    1. True, any first year Physics student could tell me that.

      They would, however, have little chance of becoming a second year Physics student if that’s what they thought.

  4. Sounds like they would need to flip back one subject in the (alphabetical) course catalog.

  5. If you break down matter to the smallest pieces it is no longer matter but pure energy. And what is pure energy if not spirit? No one has the answer to this. It comes down to belief.

    If I may paraphrase Einstein: The Physical world is nothing more than an Illusion, albeit a damn precedented one!

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