4 thoughts on “Idle thought”

  1. Arizona Congresswoman Gifford has skipped several town hall meetings in person and is now conducting them via telephone and internet. I don’t blame her a bit! The level of division in this country has escalated dramaticly in the last year! I was reading another blog last week (I wish I could find it again) and a poster was talking about the current social conditions in the U.S., OR SO I THOUGHT! It wasn’t until I was 3/4 of the way through that I realized that he was actually describing conditions in Germany when the Nazi took over. Talk about scary!

  2. I had been thinking the gun-toters were intending more to intimidate the counter-protesters, rather than the congressman, but now I am not so sure.

  3. And excuse me, but how was the message in that man’s sign not a threat? It was nothing BUT a threat.

    I love my guns, but the Secret Service should have dealt with that man. It’s unacceptable for some armed skinhead to make threats against the President. I’m apalled that that even has to be argued.

  4. In Arizona people are allowed to take concealed weapons into bars. That also is not a good combination. The catch is, they are not supposed to drink alcohol. YEAH, RIGHT !

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