This and that

School starts this week in Albuquerque — Wednesday is the first full day. NewMexiKen never started school before Labor Day and none of my kids did either. What’s with this August-to-May school year anyway?

I bought regular gasoline yesterday for $3.58 (I’m rounding off the tenth of a cent from now on). I was thinking I shouldn’t fill up (that is, I should buy short), because the price will continue to drop at least until election day.

What percentage of time during the Olympic coverage on NBC is actually spent watching athletes do athlete stuff? 10 percent? 15 percent?

There are rumors that McCain will pledge just one term to offset the age issue. I know an even better way — no terms. The Wall Street Journal’s MarketWatch tells us Why McCain would be a mediocre president. “A careful look at McCain’s biography shows that he isn’t prepared for the job. His resume is much thinner than most people think.” Amazingly, McCain is even more of a dilettante than W.

Remember my rant about Comcast and the comment from a representative of Comcast? Well, it seems the outreach is real:

From a sparse desk dominated by two computer screens in the new Comcast Center here, Mr. Eliason uses readily available online tools to monitor public comments on blogs, message boards and social networks for any mention of Comcast, the nation’s largest cable company. When he sees a complaint like Mr. Dilbeck’s, he contacts the source to try to defuse the problem.

“When you’re having a two-way conversation, you really get to clear the air,” Mr. Eliason said.

The New York Times has more — Complaining Bloggers Have a Cable Company’s Ear.

The iPhone is great except for battery life, which is OK at best.

3 thoughts on “This and that”

  1. And if I have to look at Michael Phelps’s tonsils one more time I’m gonna puke! And I even like swimming having been a competitive swimmer in a past life.

  2. I got a very gracious call from Comcast today. Nothing is resolved yet, but I have to give them kudos for being responsive.

    I suggest if you have trouble with Comcast you start a blog, get 30,000 visitors or more a month and keep at it for five years. They’ll be in touch. 🙂

  3. The person from Comcast referenced above called from Oregon, where the area code is 503. My New Mexico area code is 505. I guess Comcast didn’t know the difference.

    No calls yet from the New Mexico Comcast folks, the only ones that can help.

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