Just another rant

As I’ve mentioned, NewMexiKen replaced Comcast internet with Qwest, which works about the same and is $12 a month cheaper.

Because Comcast charges in advance, they owed me a partial month’s refund. Today, twelve days after I ended the service they sent me an email notice that my new “bill” is ready. It reads:

“Your Aug 1, 2008 Comcast billing statement is ready for viewing. To view your bill, go to http://www.comcast.com/payonline . Enter your User Name and Password, and from the next screen select GO from the VIEW YOUR BILL option.”

So, eager to see how much they are refunding, I go to the Comcast site — I never use the link in the email, but always enter with the URL. I attempt to login in and, of course, I learn that my account is closed and no longer available.

I’m back to what I said nine days ago, “that utilities have the most confusing and often faulty websites.” Is there no one at Comcast who bothered to think that all those people who do as they ask and get their bills electronically, might need access to their final bill and just maybe Comcast should maintain an account online for at least 30 days after it closes?

For that matter, is there no one at Comcast that bothers to think about its customers at all?

One thought on “Just another rant”

  1. I am sorry to learn that we have lost you as a customer. At the same time, I am sorry to learn about the difficulties you experienced in viewing your bill online.

    Please allow me to assist in making sure that your refund is applied on the account. I will also make sure that the problem that you experienced online is shared with the appropriate department for evaluation.

    So that I can look into your billing, will you please send me the phone number associated with the account?

    Thanks again for the valuable feedback and providing the opportunity to assist!

    Best Regards,

    Mark C.
    Comcast Corp.

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