Turnabout is fair play

From TomPaine.com:

Pulitzer prizewinning humorist Dave Barry has scored a coup against the American Teleservices Association, the industry group for telemarketers (Barry’s suggested motto for the organization: “Some Day, We Will Get a Dictionary and Look Up ‘Services'”). Barry encouraged readers of his column to call the ATA — even gave their number — to express their views about the “services” provided (reminding them to wipe the receiver afterwards). The ATA’s hopping mad now, having received such a tidal wave of calls that the group has resorted to the strategy Americans use to block telemarketers: they let the machine answer it. Their recorded response explains that, due to an “overwhelming positive response to recent media events, we are unable to take your call at this time.” Barry says he feels “just terrible, especially if they were eating dinner or anything.”