Category: Humor
Important information
Before vigorously shaking a container of Tropicana Pure Premium Grovestand orange juice (to mix the juice and pulp) be certain the cap is properly tightened.
Do they have Showtime in Iraq?
“The first movie to be filmed in Iraq since Saddam’s overthrow is currently in production. The Bush administration says the film could be another glowing example of the freedoms the Iraqi people now enjoy, unless it happens to say something unflattering about Ronald Reagan.”
Speaking of too much caf
Also from The Kicker: President Jeff Jarvis weighs in with his own anti-Starbucks rant: “I like my coffee. I like it large (not vente, damnit, just large). I like it black. So I grit my teeth and go to Starbucks to drink the grit. But they do find new ways to irritate me. Lately, they have taken to asking for a name — ‘first name only’ — with every order. And I want to shout: What happens when three Ashleighs come in and order caf and decaf and halfcaf and they all get the wrong frigging coffee and end up in caf-induced fits and you end up with a riot of over-and-under-caffed Ashleighs? Huh? Can’t you just give somebody a number? Can’t you just make the coffee faster instead?”
Important website
Bitter Beanie Babies, The Saga Continues
From OpinionJournal:
The plot thickens., “the most complete source of good & bad collectible traders,” has a page titled “Complaints Against Drunken Sailor or Steven Kaye,” in which “glorybeeto,” who paid $860 for thedrunkensailor’s collection of Beanie Babies from his ex-wife, complains that the rare items in the set turned out to be counterfeits. (We noted the sale yesterday.)
Glorybeeto, whose real name apparently is J. O’Buck, says she was the eBay user called Taisha who wrote thedrunkensailor to warn him of the possibility of counterfeits (quotes are verbatim):He printed the message, without the “disclaimer” and “counterfeit” eBay rules I had included, and INCLUDED MY ID. He posted also that he had blocked me from bidding. I had also alerted eBay that the auction should be pulled because it was fraught with disclaimers. eBay paid no attention to its own rule and did nothing. I also alerted eBay that he had posted my ID, which is against eBay rules, and again, nothing was done.
From the tenor of the listing, I believed the seller to be an angry person, upset by his wife leaving him, but did question that if she was such an avid collector why she would leave behind the rare and valuable beanies. I checked his feedback with over 500 positives and no negatives, his “ME” posting, and later his name and address which checked out. Based on this I bid using my glorybeeto ID. I learned later that two friends asked him questions about the beanies and he did not respond. I did not question him with my bidding ID because I felt, in light of his obvious anger, he would block that ID as well. Had the beanies been genuine, the price I bid was very good. I felt I was behind the proverbial rock and a hard place because he could be telling the truth and I would miss out if I did not bid.
Pat Edgerton, a “mediator” for Tradelist, wrote Kaye on glorybeeto’s behalf, prompting the following response:
I have no idea who you are, or what your “tradelist” is. I find your comments threatening and offensive. I don’t care what J.O.Buck is demanding. I am demanding that you no longer email me. As I told him/her, feel free to call the police, FBI, Postal Inspector, and the Freaking Wildlife Organization that governs Blue Stuffed Elephants.You must be insane if you think I am going to take you seriously. If this complaint were even slightly valid, he/she should have brought it up through ebay, or paypal. But knowing full well that it has no validity he.she did not.
Last I checked, the “TradeList” was not in any position to threaten me with formal fraud charges. I will forward this email to my attorney as I find it offensive, harassing, and threatening.
If you want to play hard ball, then go get your bat and lets play.
I demand that you NO LONGER EMAIL ME for any reason, unless to apologize.
Our item yesterday prompted this e-mail from reader Bernard Levine:
Drunken Sailor’s opening gambit, claiming to know nothing about these items he got in some entertaining and mildly plausible way, is alas a common eBay seller’s ploy for presenting either fakes, or mixed lots of fakes and common items. I wouldn’t know a beanie baby if it leapt up and bit me on the ankle, but this is certainly true in the collecting arenas I do play in.All this may be true, but if the TraderList account is accurate, the buyer here can hardly claim to have been defrauded, given that she bought the items knowing full well that the seller didn’t vouch for their authenticity. Caveat emptor, we say.
Bitter Beanie Babies
Last Saturday NewMexiKen posted an item about Beanie Babies for sale on eBay. More details thanks to OpinionJournal from The Wall Street Journal.
Last month a man calling himself “thedrunkensailor,” from West Palm Beach, Fla., put a “collection of 26 Beanie Babies from ex-wife” up for auction on eBay. Beanie Babies apparently are small stuffed animals that people collect, some of which are rare and valuable.
“I DO NOT KNOW crap about these things,” thedrunkensailor explained (all quotes are verbatim). “Whatever money I make from them will be spent at the local Home Depot on tools and other cool stuff. . . . I understand from a friends wife that people are afraid to get fakes. FAKES? Fake plush toys? I was amazed. I thought people forged money, not childrens toys.” He added the following “Final Notice and Disclaimer”:
I know nothing about these stuffed Beanie Babies. I offer no proof of anything. It is a stuffed animal, get over it! I don’t think my ex-wife was in the Black Market Beanie Trade..but then again, I didn’t know she was having an affair either! Thus no gauruntees!Thedrunken sailor later added two more comments. The first explained how “a very kind Ebayer” wrote him to say which of his Beanie Babies were valuable. But he added:
I make no claims on value, and to be honest. I am amazed anyine pays more then a dollar a piece for these things. What happened to collecting STAMPS? Pay what you want for them! IT ALL GOES TO HOMEDEPOT !!!!!! and BEER!But then he heard from someone else:
Okay all you people with nothing better to do! ENOUGH WITH THE EMAILS! I thought I was clear with all that. Here is an Email that I just got from some lady who felt she will try to save my sould or something! Read Below:Very clever listing; however it is very likely you have some fakes (counterfeits) among the listing and I suggest you pull them from the auctions until you have them authenticated. Humphrey the camel is an example. It is a requirement of eBay as well as unde the provisions of the U.S. Criminal Cpode that a seller know the authenticity of a trademarked item s/he is selling. Also, an authenticated rare beanie will bring lots of money on the auctions. I’ll let you know the others that are likely fakes, and further it is very unlikely your ex would have left behind these rare ones. If she had 1000 beanies, she knew what she had and their value. To sell counterfeits of a trademarked item wold make you a common criminal. Are you being honest? If so, cancel the auction, relist the common beanies, and send the rest for authentication. It would be well worth it financially and would make you honest.
TaishaWELL TAISHA! I don’t CARE! I told everyone in the begining everything I know and don’t know about these STUPID animals! I ahve an idea for all people that are so worried about this…..DON’t BID! I dont care! I am so upset that this clown of a woman figured out my SUPER PLAN TO SCAM MILLIONS FROM THE UNKNOWING BEANIE WORLD! I FIGURED I WOULD RETIRE FROM THIS RUSE! What a dolt she is! I have blocked her from my bidder list, that way she can cry about it. Some people are UNREAL! GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The bidding ended Sept. 22, with one “glorybeeto” paying $860 for the lot. We certainly hope thedrunkensailor is enjoying his tools and his beer.
Enchanted undead
From 1868 to 1975, The Federal Vampire and Zombie Agency (FVZA) was responsible for controlling the nation’s vampire and zombie populations while overseeing scientific research into the undead. This site is a tribute to the men and women who served in the FVZA, especially the over 4000 Agents who lost their lives fighting to keep our country safe. In addition to paying tribute to the FVZA, this site hopes to call attention to dangerous research being done at the Santa Rosa Institute in New Mexico: research that runs the risk of bringing back a scourge of vampires worse than any before.
Another top top ten
Lee has done it again with the Top Ten reasons he hasn’t been making more Top Ten lists.
Billionaire Halloween Masks
Hmm, the people at NewMexiKen’s bank (in an alcove at Albertson’s) don’t seem all that sharp. If I print one of these and wear it…
Tornado fighters
Dave Barry posted an item earlier today:
An idea whose time has come: Tornado Fighters.
Better yet are his readers suggestions —
A more practical approach would be to set up decoy trailer parks in uninhabited areas to lure the tornadoes away from populated areas.
— Ernie Gudath”
An even MORE practical approach would be to set up decoy trailer parks on Capitol Hill.
— Mike DeCleene
School closures
School was cancelled in the Washington, DC, area on account of today’s geomagnetic storm.
October Is the best sports month
Canadian Beats World at Rock, Paper, Scissors
Key quote: “To the uninitiated, taking the playground game seriously is difficult. Many competitors wore crude, homemade costumes, and played with a can of beer in their non-throwing hand.”
“Well, You Try To Reconstruct Iraq,” Says U.S. Defensive Dept.
Rock Paper Scissors
The Official Rock Paper Scissors Strategy Guide
Be sure to see the posters.
Collection of 26 Beanie Babies from Ex-Wife
Key quote from description: “I understand from a friends wife that people are afraid to get fakes. FAKES? Fake plush toys? I was amazed. I thought people forged money, not childrens toys.”
Herr Gropenfuhrer
Doonesbury refers to California’s new governor as Herr Gropenfuhrer.
Right to bear…
“Smith & Wesson announced this week that it is branching out into home decor and will have a new catalog out just in time for Christmas. There’s a good idea for ya–combine a gun manufacturer with the sickos who buy Thomas Kinkade paintings. … But gun enthusiasts are already excited. Maybe too excited. Today, Wayne LaPierre was out asserting his 2nd amendment right to bear rugs…. ”
Bumper stickers
Jesus is Coming. Look Busy!
I’m your honor student’s real father
186,000 miles per second — it’s not just a good idea, it’s the law!
Horn broken — watch for finger
Nuke the Unborn Gay Whales
Good thing they did a study, who’d have known
Philadelphia Inquirer: Spam is annoying to most, study finds
Top Ten Ways California Would Be Different If I,
Gary Coleman, Had Been Elected Governor
Late Show Top Ten Archive: October 8, 2003
10. “Pretty much the same as Schwarzenegger, but less body oil”
9. “Three words: Lieutenant Governor Urkel”
8. “Thanks to my innocent charm, I’d get away with 60% more groping”
7. “I guess I’d have to quit my job as a security guard”
6. “You may not agree with me, but at least you could understand me”
5. “Inaugural address would have a laugh track”
4. “Television viewers wouldn’t know if they were watching C-Span or Nick at Nite”
3. “Wouldn’t have to worry about me having to take time off to do movies”
2. “I would form a task force to find out exactly what Willis was talking about”
1. “Unlike Schwarzenegger, I would admit I’m not qualified”
Top Ten Surprises In The Barbara Walters Interview With Martha Stewart
Late Show Top Ten Archive: October 14, 2003
10. Under pressure, Martha sometimes swallows her chaw
9. Barbara showing gratitude for illegal stock tip that paid for new Hummer
8. When Don Zimmer rushed in and took a swing at Martha
7. Martha grew up in poor neighborhood where several households had to share single spice rack
6. The Madonna and Britney-style open mouth kiss
5. Martha introducing her fiance, Ben Affleck
4. Entire hour spent breaking down this week’s Bears-Seahawks game
3. Barbara closing with, “See ya in 3 to 5”
2. Martha’s first book, “Entertaining,” was ghost-written by a young Dave Letterman
1. The two women comparing their “groped by Schwarzenegger” stories
Capricious and demanding partners? Ya think?
Dave Barry on World Series in Miami
Dave Barry has an amusing booger-free column in today’s Miami Herald: “And so the Fall Classic has returned to the place where it truly belongs — to historic Pro Player Stadium, which has hosted the World Series every six years, without fail, dating to 1997.”
Lee has suggested the top ten reasons why NewMexiKen should recommence.
10. It’s something to do during time previously slotted for watching Giants and Athletics in World Series.
9. No babies are due in the near future so you are able to focus on NewMexiKen.
8. NewMexiKen was sooo exclusive; Some blogs will let anybody in.
7. Can’t use the excuse that you are too busy running for governor of California.
6. We’re still hearing from Bin Laden. Why not NewMexiKen?
5. It’s not just a job; it’s an adventure.
4. If Bush gets his way you won’t even have to pay yourself overtime for time spent on NewMexiKen.
3. Blogging could become a lost art.
2. Even your own children have acknowledged that NewMexiKen was worth checking out regularly.
And the number one reason to get NewMexiKen up and running again:
the name is still the most clever name for a Blog that anyone has come up with.