Bitter Beanie Babies

Last Saturday NewMexiKen posted an item about Beanie Babies for sale on eBay. More details thanks to OpinionJournal from The Wall Street Journal.

Last month a man calling himself “thedrunkensailor,” from West Palm Beach, Fla., put a “collection of 26 Beanie Babies from ex-wife” up for auction on eBay. Beanie Babies apparently are small stuffed animals that people collect, some of which are rare and valuable.

“I DO NOT KNOW crap about these things,” thedrunkensailor explained (all quotes are verbatim). “Whatever money I make from them will be spent at the local Home Depot on tools and other cool stuff. . . . I understand from a friends wife that people are afraid to get fakes. FAKES? Fake plush toys? I was amazed. I thought people forged money, not childrens toys.” He added the following “Final Notice and Disclaimer”:

I know nothing about these stuffed Beanie Babies. I offer no proof of anything. It is a stuffed animal, get over it! I don’t think my ex-wife was in the Black Market Beanie Trade..but then again, I didn’t know she was having an affair either! Thus no gauruntees!

Thedrunken sailor later added two more comments. The first explained how “a very kind Ebayer” wrote him to say which of his Beanie Babies were valuable. But he added:

I make no claims on value, and to be honest. I am amazed anyine pays more then a dollar a piece for these things. What happened to collecting STAMPS? Pay what you want for them! IT ALL GOES TO HOMEDEPOT !!!!!! and BEER!

But then he heard from someone else:

Okay all you people with nothing better to do! ENOUGH WITH THE EMAILS! I thought I was clear with all that. Here is an Email that I just got from some lady who felt she will try to save my sould or something! Read Below:

Very clever listing; however it is very likely you have some fakes (counterfeits) among the listing and I suggest you pull them from the auctions until you have them authenticated. Humphrey the camel is an example. It is a requirement of eBay as well as unde the provisions of the U.S. Criminal Cpode that a seller know the authenticity of a trademarked item s/he is selling. Also, an authenticated rare beanie will bring lots of money on the auctions. I’ll let you know the others that are likely fakes, and further it is very unlikely your ex would have left behind these rare ones. If she had 1000 beanies, she knew what she had and their value. To sell counterfeits of a trademarked item wold make you a common criminal. Are you being honest? If so, cancel the auction, relist the common beanies, and send the rest for authentication. It would be well worth it financially and would make you honest.

WELL TAISHA! I don’t CARE! I told everyone in the begining everything I know and don’t know about these STUPID animals! I ahve an idea for all people that are so worried about this…..DON’t BID! I dont care! I am so upset that this clown of a woman figured out my SUPER PLAN TO SCAM MILLIONS FROM THE UNKNOWING BEANIE WORLD! I FIGURED I WOULD RETIRE FROM THIS RUSE! What a dolt she is! I have blocked her from my bidder list, that way she can cry about it. Some people are UNREAL! GET A LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The bidding ended Sept. 22, with one “glorybeeto” paying $860 for the lot. We certainly hope thedrunkensailor is enjoying his tools and his beer.