Best lines of the day, so far

“A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.”

“If the Republicans will stop telling lies about the Democrats, we will stop telling the truth about them.”

“An editor is someone who separates the wheat from the chaff and then prints the chaff.”

Attributed to Adlai Stevenson. Found at Daily Kos.

Best line of the day, so far

A supporter once called out, “Governor Stevenson, all thinking people are for you!” And Adlai Stevenson answered, “That’s not enough. I need a majority.”

Via Daily Kos who got it from NPR.

Actually, you don’t need a majority, as four presidents can attest (J.Q. Adams, Hayes, B. Harrison, G.W. Bush). Gee, three of those were direct descendants of previous one-term presidents.

Best line of the day, so far

“Have you noticed how the Republicans and Democrats try to copy each other at their conventions. Like at the Democratic convention John Kerry’s daughter told a story about how he once gave CPR to her hamster. At the Republican convention the Bush girls are going to tell a story about how when their hamster was bad, their dad built them a little electric chair.”

Jay Leno

Best line of the day, so far

And that’s why we need Clinton on the campaign trail this fall: as this week’s convention demonstrates, a publicly visible Bill Clinton, talking pleasantly and self-deprecatingly about his tax cut and John Kerry’s courage, will cause roughly 3.6 million wingnuts’ heads to explode by November 2 (margin of error plus or minus 3 percent). In Ohio, Pennsylvania, Missouri, and Florida, that could make all the difference.

Kerry-Edwards: for a stronger America.
Clinton-Obama: for wingnut-skulls-a-poppin’.

Michael Bérubé