
Intelligence agencies are picking up a lot of chatter these days — Bush’s military record, Cheney’s staff involved in alleged criminal misconduct, budget duplicity, Kerry winning election after election.

Must be time to put the country back on orange alert.


“My mother is from the South. One of the things I learned is you can’t plant a watermelon seed and grow oranges. You cannot get right out of wrong. . . . We cannot continue to play Bush roulette. It used to be Russian roulette, now it’s Bush roulette.”–Al Sharpton

“Gen. Boykin has confused the heck out of the White House with all this talk about the Almighty, because when he talks about the Almighty, the president thinks he’s talking about Cheney, Cheney thinks he’s talking about Halliburton, . . ., and John Ashcroft thinks they’re talking about him–so they don’t know where to go.”–John Kerry

“We blew the place up; we have to fix it back.”–Carol Moseley Braun