Ten Reasons I Don’t Heart the Balloon Fiesta

Still the funniest thing I’ve ever read about Balloon Fiesta week in Albuquerque.

‘Burque Babble: Ten Reasons I Don’t Heart the Balloon Fiesta

Scott posted more reasons in other years, including 2008, but added this.

Ten Reasons I Like Albuquerque, Really:

A. The 50 weeks of the year in which the Balloon Fiesta is not held.
B. The River Bike Path
C. The weather during the two-weeks of the Balloon Fiesta, especially the rare cloudy, rainy Sunday morning.
D. That newish bike path along I-40 going from the Big-I area uphill. It’s fantastic.
E. The Chama River Taproom on 2nd between Central and Gold.
F. That a bus driver let me carry my bike into the bus recently when the bus-front rack was full.
G. The Sandias.
H. The fact that very few people hike in the Sandias, especially given how close they are to a rather sizable urban area.
I. My life down here in the South Valley, even when the wife and I are hiding out in our home to avoid opening the door to balloonist guy who is stuck in the alfalfa field behind our house.
J. The Phở at Cafe Trang, followed by a grocery visit to Talin Market.

There, that should even up the cynical negativity/positivism quotient…well, at least a little.

‘Burque Babble: Ten Reasons I Hate the Balloon Fiesta: 2008 Edition