Why didn’t I think of that?

NewMexiKen’s grand nephew, The Bandit, is six today. He is quite insightful beyond his years however, as this conversation with his mother about the Tooth Fairy shows — Why didn’t I think of that? | The Quill Sisters.

Joe Posnanski has a “little essay on getting old” that any adult who is older today than they were yesterday should read — Joe Blogs: The Captain and Denial. It has a sports framework but tells universal truths and Joe is always good.

I know personally that I still feel like 35, but my body can’t keep up.

The Atlantic Wire has been running a feature “asking various people who seem well-informed to describe their media diets.” Today it is Jennifer Egan, who recently won a Pulitzer Prize for her novel A Visit from the Goon Squad. Jennifer Egan: What I Read – The Atlantic Wire.

For more Media Diets: Malcolm Gladwell, Susan Glassner, Joe Weisenthal, Andrea Mitchell, Anna Holmes, Eric Schmidt, Nick Denton, David Brooks, Andrew Breitbart, Gary Shteyngart, Tom McGeveran, Megan McCarthy, Bret Stephens, Joseph Epstein, Dave Weigel, Christopher Hayes, Chris Anderson, Lewis Lapham, Reihan Salam, Peggy Noonan, Joe Randazzo, Jay Rosen, Neetzan Zimmerman, Clay Shirky, and many more here.