Best lines of the day

Many people who oppose the monarchy do so because they view it as anti-democratic, an antiquated system that preserves and glorifies privilege and social inequality. My reason for opposing it is rather different: I see it as a form of cruelty to the people at the very heart of it. It is – or ought to be – a basic human right that each person should be free to choose their own path in life, according to their interests and abilities. We should all be free to choose our profession, our partner and our beliefs for ourselves; William, for all his wealth and privilege, had his role in life mapped out for him before he was even born. Not for him the excitement of choosing his future career; not for him the option of marrying anyone not considered ‘suitable’ by the establishment; not for him the freedom to reject religious belief. And not for him, either, the freedom to opt for a quiet wedding on a Bahamian beach or a simple ceremony in a location close to his and his bride’s hearts.

Paula Kirby- On Faith – The Washington Post

3 thoughts on “Best lines of the day”

  1. Interesting perspective, but unlike women in conservative Islamic cultures, for example, William actually can walk away from it all with no fear of, you know, stoning or something like that.

    I have no pity for or interest in the royals, and I find it disgraceful that a country in the dire economic straits the UK finds itself in can waste so much money on this ceremony.

    While I’m in this grumpy vein, who peed in my cornflakes?! 😉

  2. Think of poor William at his bachelor party trying to stuff £ notes in the stripper’s G-string and having his grandma’s picture on every one.

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