
Yes, I am “boxcars” now, two-thirds evil.

The low at my place last week was 8-below-zero — but I was in Tucson that morning where it was 18º and everybody seemed to suffer a lot more. There were no plumbing problems or natural gas shortages at Casa NewMexiKen.

They are forecasting single digit lows and snow beginning tomorrow. Will this winter ever end?

Can’t we pass a law requiring that only the Marine Corps Band can play the “National Anthem” at big events? My god, that was disgraceful.

And how much longer will the halftime show try and replicate a Las Vegas floor show? Awful. Just. Awful.

I don’t know if I didn’t blog because I was depressed or was depressed because I wasn’t blogging. Either is sick.

4 thoughts on “Update”

  1. Glad you’re back, hope your vacation went well, and happy birthday! (?)

    Yes, also sick of the spectacle, and I agree about the Marine band. However, I still prefer “America the Beautiful” to “The Star Spangled Banner.”

  2. What, the bread and circuses aren’t working? Quick, more, bigger gladiators, more dancing girls. Also, too, America, real Americans Oh look! Over there! The Muslin Botherhood is stealing our Freedoms to hate gays.

    We now return you to the NCAA tournament already in progress.

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