4 thoughts on “Best ads of the day”

  1. The Volkswagen commercial was obviously a huge hit in our house.

    Reid is now insistent that it is him in the Darth Vader suit. I almost believe him! Even the hands look like Reid’s hands.

    But I don’t see a royalty check around anywhere.

  2. The Eminem commercial almost made me want to move to Detroit. I seriously thought about looking at real estate to see if I could get something cheap! I still might. Great ad.

  3. If cheap real estate is the clincher, you’re headed for Detroit.

    We’ve come a long way since the Dick VanDyke Show. The Sealy ad would have been banned when most of us were growing up. Not only are they showing two adults in the same bed, people are thankfully forgetting that a word like miscegenation even exists. If Super Bowl commercials are an EKG of America’s pulse, I’m feeling hopey and changey again, though with their tag-line about supporting whatever we do in bed they should have gone ahead and put a few gay couples in.

    1. I agree, Wally. It was a great tag-line. They might have taken it one step further. But, as you point out, we’ve come a long way baby and I liked the ad for that reason and its celebration of being human.

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