Best line of the year, so far

“But I love the finance story and would be happy writing about it for a long time. It’s dirty, corrupt, and endlessly complicated, i.e. there’s no shortage of horrible stuff to write about. I know this is the wrong way to think, but sometimes I thank God for a lot of those Wall Street-CEO types, I’m sort of in love with how much they suck.”

Matt Taibbi

Much of Taibbi’s Mailbag this week is good readin’.

2 thoughts on “Best line of the year, so far”

  1. All that stuff we heard in school all those years about communism, about how it looks good on paper but it goes against human nature and can’t work in the real world.

    I’d say that same lesson applies to unfettered laissez-faire capitalism.

    But of course it works really, really good for a very few.

  2. Hey!

    A belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    I think Taibbi should use his real name: Lee Harvey Taibbi.

    Have you kept up with the ‘progress’ in the global warming community?

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