And I’m sure these same people think they are going to heaven

Amid recent controversy over airport pat-downs, Americans For Truth About Homosexuality is calling for the Transportation Security Administration to institute some “common-sense, healthy ‘discrimination'” by banning “self-acknowledged homosexuals” from doing security screenings, “so as to avoid [passengers] being put in sexually compromising situations.” It goes without saying that AFTAH is motivated by hate and homophobia, and the group’s press release is dripping with bigotry: “The reality is, most traveling men would not want Barney Frank to pat them down at the airport security checkpoint. Neither would it be fair to assign Ellen DeGeneres to pat down female travelers.” (Way to call out the two homosexuals you know!)

Broadsheet –

One thought on “And I’m sure these same people think they are going to heaven”

  1. Now I’m confused. As a lesbian, does this mean I should demand a man pat me down because I can’t control my deviant sexual urges? Hmm. . .but what if the man likes it? That’s no good.

    Here we go – gay men pat down all the women, gay women pat down the men. Solved.

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