A-hole alert

Representative-elect Andy Harris, a Maryland Republican and anesthesiologist, beat his incumbent Democratic opponent by campaigning against the terror of universal socialized medicine. Despite the fact that his opponent voted against healthcare reform, Harris insisted that once elected he would vote to repeal healthcare reform. Now he is elected! And he was shocked to learn that his free, taxpayer-funded, government-run healthcare won’t kick in until 28 days after he’s sworn in. This made him upset!

Read more from the War Room at Salon.com

Just for the record, Federal employee health insurance isn’t “free.” I for example, pay about $175 a month just for myself. And that doesn’t include any dental or vision insurance. I pay 100% for those coverages, which are relatively new. Not complaining mind you, just clarifying.

2 thoughts on “A-hole alert”

  1. Poor Andy. And it used to be (still is?) quite common for medical coverage not to kick in until the beginning of the third month following the first day of employment for many folks. Oh, and I believe I’ve heard somewhere that there are some folks who don’t even get medical coverage with their employment.

  2. Few of these national politicians and pundits can walk the nonsense of their election personas. The noisier the rhetoric the bigger the con-man.

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