The Social Network

Jill and I saw the film The Social Network over the weekend. We commented to each other last evening that we were still thinking about the movie.

This is the film about the birth of Facebook (or as it was originally called, The Facebook). The movie is very well written (screenplay by Aaron Sorkin) and very well acted (Jesse Eisenberg, Andrew Garfield and even Justin Timberlake). It is also, I thought, just plain interesting about the mechanics of the modern world in the same way West Wing was.

Like the people it portrays, this is a very smart movie. It engages you with dialogue and complexity made dramatic.

3 thoughts on “The Social Network”

  1. I think you can tell a lot about yourself by the way you respond to Mark Zuckerberg – or at least, to Zuckerberg as written by Sorkin and portrayed by Eisenberg.

  2. If you liked that, you should check out Catfish. It shows another side of the social network experience. I would love to hear your comments on it.

  3. We just saw it this evening. Other than the completely absurd deposition scenes, it was great.

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