Even more hardly surprising news about Contador

“A test new to the antidoping movement was used for the first time at the Tour de France last summer, and now it appears that the three-time Tour winner Alberto Contador — who tested positive for a banned drug at the race — may have more explaining to do.”

The New York Times has the story. This new test reportedly found evidence of plasticizer — the kind found in plastic IV bags — in Contador’s blood — eight times the minimum amount that signifies doping.

Thank to Kevin for the link.

2 thoughts on “Even more hardly surprising news about Contador”

  1. Yeah, I’m a fan of cycling but this news is not all that shocking. Neither was his adamant denial. I liked Kohl’s argument at the end of the article though. The average peloton speed hasn’t changed over the last several years, leaving him with the conclusion that the drug regimens haven’t either.

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