
Let’s just suppose someone buys a cake from a bakery — and let’s just suppose it’s a pineapple upside down cake. And let’s further suppose that the person buying the pineapple upside down cake lives by himself, and expects no company this week or next.

Then (1) what portion of the cake would be appropriate for me — I mean that person — to eat? And (2) what time frame would be acceptable for eating that portion?

17 thoughts on “Hypothetical”

  1. Hypothecially?

    All of it. Right now.

    But that’s just my…er…opinion.

    Not based on any experience or anything of the sort. Purely conjecture.

  2. ” I don’t have to ask permission, if I wanna go out fishin’ ” Tom Waits

    Any and/or all at any time one chooses.

  3. I would cut it in quarters and freeze three of them. Then thaw and work on them gradually. Otherwise, you get tired of so much of the same thing.

    And by the way, House of Bread on Carlisle has some great quick breads (pumpkin, banana, carrot, others) that work well that way. http://houseofbreadabq.com/

  4. That person should eat the entire thing, preferably in his underwear, whenever the hell he feels like it. And giggle maniacally while doing so. There have to be some advantages to reaching certain ages and eating as much cake as you want in your underwear sounds like a good one to me.

  5. I will gladly pay you tuesday for a slice of pineapple upside down cake today!

    If you haven’t by now-Just eat it!! eat it!!

  6. Yum! Send some to all the Sweeties. They’re very good at eating cake quickly. I’ll make you one the next time you visit (hint, tempt, hint).

  7. I’ve HEARD one can eat an entire cake all by oneself while lying in bed watching Clueless. I don’t know from personal experience, OK? I’ve simply HEARD.

  8. You didn’t specify how large (or small) the cake would be in this “hypothetical” situation. Personally, I would take my time and savor every bite, but I would probably eat the whole thing over a period of a couple days. I like the freezer idea, though.

  9. Pineapple upside down cake is a favorite of mine. I live and die by the theory of nibbling everytime you go by. It never feels like you ate the whole damn thing AND it provides the added benefit of not making you sick to your stomache as if you at it all at once.

  10. Since it is a fact that pineapple upside down cake contains all of the food groups, I would say for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Of course you’ll need a big glass of milk to round it all out.

    However, I like the idea of anytime, all of it, in your underwear and giggling maniacally.

  11. Final solution. Six pieces over three days.

    Enough is enough and that was more than enough. I didn’t eat more than a bite of the last piece.

    In fact, I much preferred yesterday’s home made chef salad.

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