5 thoughts on “Jewel”

  1. Ahem. Karen = homely girl?

    But I’m going to rise above that and say, in response to “What I did not understand is how they did not recognize Jewel’s voice even when it was Karen.”

    By saying, alcohol is a funny, funny thing.

    1. I guess I didn’t consider that because there isn’t enough alcohol in the world to get me to sing karaoke.

      1. I did. Once. After one of my friends passed her Master’s Oral Boards at NMSU.

        My group of friends (we were all in grad school together) did it en masse. We sang “Delta Dawn”

        There was a lot of alcohol involved.

        It was filmed for local access TV. Everyone in Las Cruces commented on my performance which included me falling off the stage.

        I wish I was making that up.

  2. I just took a Sporcle quiz that had one match up a commercial voice-over with an actor. There are the obvious ones like T-Mobile/Catherine Zeta-Alpha-Iota Jones, and AFLAC/Gilbert Gottfried. But, it’s amazing how much of that identification is contextual.

    Everyone has had the experience where you see someone in a uniform every day for a year, but when you see them in a t-shirt and khaki shorts at the company picnic, you don’t recognize them.

    And many people have one good impersonation in them, so it’s not odd to me that many people thought that they were seeing some sort of vocal idiot savante who only “sings at Christmas parties.”

    FunnyOrDie is a fantastic site.

  3. Of course, Jewel’s defining physical characteristic was always her snaggly teeth – which I always thought were cute and appealing. She finally got them fixed recently (along with some other new *ahem* accessories), and I think she’s kind of unrecognizable now even without the Karen costume.

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