Who’s Buried in the History Books?

RONALD REAGAN deserves posterity’s honor, and so it makes sense that the capital’s airport and a major building there are named for him. But the proposal to substitute his image for that of Ulysses S. Grant on the $50 bill is a travesty that would dishonor the nation’s bedrock principles of union, freedom and equality — and damage its historical identity. Although slandered since his death, Grant, as general and as president, stood second only to Abraham Lincoln as the vindicator of those principles in the Civil War era.

Historian Sean Wilentz goes on to explain. Click and give it a read.

“I expect that before too long Grant will be returned to the standing he deserves — not only as the military savior of the Union but as one of the great presidents of his era, and possibly one of the greatest in all American history.”

2 thoughts on “Who’s Buried in the History Books?”

  1. God I swear, conservatives are about Reagan like some gay men are about Judy Garland. Let’s compromise. Instead of the fifty, issue a $3 bill with Saint Ronnie on it.

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