Best line of the day

“[I]t contributes to my belief that whoever works on [The Albuquerque Journal web] site has never seen another website anywhere. I’m reluctant to beat up a 14-year-old who gets minimum wage, but the Journal could and should do much better than this, especially after so many years of the same awful stuff. Send that kid to classes. Buy him a Dummies book.”

mjh’s blog

7 thoughts on “Best line of the day”

  1. Just to tease this out a little more, here’s today’s ABQ Journal home page:

    And here’s the front page from today’s El Paso Times:

    Both are basically the same width (~1024 pixels), but note how much longer the Journal’s Web site is than the EP Times’. For a newspaper, you’d think they’d have some concept of “above the fold.” And yeah, the design is horrid: the EPT has clean lines, makes good use of white space, and generally appears to have been designed after 2001.

  2. It’s an unusable, non-functioning nightmare–always has been. It is the reason I never read an ABQ paper, not even when I lived there.

    They do not wish to be online. And they make that very clear with the state of their website.

    I’d say they’ll regret that attitude when they end up shutting their doors, but I doubt they actually will. I think the powers that be would MUCH rather break than bend.

  3. It would add to Albuquerque’s unique ambience (sarcasm) to actually have no local daily. To maintain our reputation as one of the southwest’s biggest “One Horse Town.”

    “Hey, Zeke! What happened to the giraffe?” “I dunno man, it croaked and they took it into the dump.”

  4. Recall that the Albuquerque Tribune had a much better website and went out of business. Newspapers everywhere are folding (ahem). Whether the Web is *making* that happen or not, the Web isn’t going to *stop* that from happening. // My point is the Journal is wasting money/effort on a Web presence and antagonizing its users. It unusual that having no site at all would be better than the one they have. (They should turn all of their content over to DukeCityFix to present and manage. Put limited google ads on every page and share whatever money comes in.)

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