Soft Drink, Hard Quiz

We’re both old enough to recall when the Pepsi name applied to nothing but Pepsi. Then Diet Pepsi stormed onto the scene, followed by other options like Pepsi Free, Pepsi Clear, Cherry Pepsi, Caffeine Free Pepsi, Pepsi Lemon, Pepsi One, Pepsi Lime, and a few other varieties that came and went. At least the names of these soda pops made it obvious that they were Pepsi products. Today, PepsiCo and the other “big three” soft drink companies market several different brands nationwide, and it’s becoming increasingly tricky to pin them down by their parent companies. In today’s…quiz, we offer 11 soft drink brands, which you’ll identify as being a product of The Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, or the Dr Pepper/Schweppes Group.

Soft Drink, Hard Quiz

Wow, this was difficult (for me at least).

3 thoughts on “Soft Drink, Hard Quiz”

  1. I got 6 out of the 11, which is 7 percentage points below average, and I feel great about it! I was scare to death that I would actually know anything about horrible tasting sugar products.

  2. I got four. And one of my correct answers, Fanta, doesn’t count, because I worked on their account for a couple of years.

    Clearly, I don’t know squat about soda.

  3. I got five out of eleven. I kept trying to remember endcaps in grocery stores to figure it out.

    Someday we will see Starbucks under that Pepsico flag.

    Mark my words…

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