August. Bah. Humbug.

With apologies to those with August birthdays, I have to say that this month is my least favorite among the 12. No holiday. Muggy, even here in the Southwest. Just because.


9 thoughts on “August. Bah. Humbug.”

  1. I love August. 🙂

    I despise December. It finally becomes utterly impossible to ignore all the Christmas bullcrap, nothing gets done because everyone uses the holidays as an excuse to pretend they’re six, everyone spends a ton of money they generally have, and there will be at least two more months of cold/grey/dreary.


  2. I picked March. Not that there is anything wrong with March, but where I live now…the rains start about December. By March, I am *done* with the rain, but I still have April yet to go. March is not quite winter, not quite Spring. March is to be endured.

    And in NM, March is when those g’darn winds start howling with a vengeance.

    Yup, March. Bleah.

    I’m all about August. It finally got warm here!

  3. I hate August. Being in the news industry, nothing happens in August. IT’s hot and the criminals stay inside, school hasn’t started and news just dries up.

    Cheers, Mi3ke

  4. I love August because that’s when I can start to venture into the high country, although September is also glorious and far less crowded.

    I chose February with apologies to Brother NewMexiKen and Sister Debby who have birthdays that month.

    Here in Portland February is just a cold, dreary month.

    By the time March rolls around (and my birthday) I start to get a sense of the coming spring and I generally begin to cheer up.

  5. November is my least favorite month. I can’t quite put my finger on why. Maybe it’s because winter has started, for all intents and purposes, and there are now many months of gloom to face before it’ll all be over. I love Sept. and Oct., but by November it’s just getting dreary.

    It’s also the start of all the holiday madness, as mentioned by Elise. Just try to get any serious business done between Thanksgiving week and the week after New Year’s Day. And, unless you get paid for not working on holidays, it’s hard to make a living that time of year with all the mandatory days off. (Add the extra holiday spending to the losses, and it’s down-right depressing.) All that unending pressure to be of good cheer for about 6 weeks running, and it all starts in November.

    Oh, I guess I COULD put my finger on why I don’t like November.

  6. Gee, you have Grinch-like readers. I love December. I love the extra time with my family and the excitement of the kids. At that time the winter weather is still kind of new and I’m not sick of it yet. I love that there are parties and special desserts and the house smells like pine.

    I guess I don’t rate months based on how much gets done during them.

    I’m definitely with you on August – and I picked August in the poll. But if you asked this same question in February, I’m sure I would pick February.

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