Unintended sex ed

Imagine, you and your kid are watching what’s supposed to be a DVD retrospective of the past school year. The video shows children sharing stories, clapping, then … sex. And not just sex, but sex involving your kid’s fifth grade teacher.

“It goes from my son, straight to her on the couch,” recalled “Joe,” a parent who wished to remain anonymous. “My son’s reaction was, ‘Dad, is that Ms. Defanti?'”

Yes, it was.

It was, of course, just poor editing. The Scavenger has a few more details. Great photo.

2 thoughts on “Unintended sex ed”

  1. Wow. As a teacher, I can’t imagine making a mistake like that. I think I’d have to move. Far, far away. To a country where they don’t speak English and have no internet access.

  2. I cannot believe in this day and age people would even consider doing anything they wouldn’t want their grandmothers to watch when there is a camcorder running.

    How often does really embarrassing or incriminating stuff end up on the internet?

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