Will CVS Ever Pull Expired Medicine, Baby Formula From Their Shelves?

According to Consumerist:

CVS stores across the nation regularly stock expired medicine, milk, and baby formula, according to a damning union report. This isn’t the first time CVS has been caught stocking dangerous goods. Last year, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo threatened a suit after his office caught the pharmacy selling goods over a year past their expiration dates. CVS claims that, despite investing over $160 million in a “perpetual inventory management” system, it’s nearly impossible to keep expired items off the shelf because they simply have too much stuff.

A CVS store is opening near me very soon. It will be interesting if I find expired products in the brand new store.

“The Consumerist is published by Consumer Media LLC, a not-for-profit subsidiary of Consumers Union, and takes no outside advertising.” In other words, it’s from the same people who publish Consumer Reports, only decidedly less stuffy.

One thought on “Will CVS Ever Pull Expired Medicine, Baby Formula From Their Shelves?”

  1. It’s either that they have too much stuff, or that they don’t hire enough workers to be constantly switching old product out for new. The former is probably cheaper.

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