The Supreme Court is neither hot nor bothered by strip searches

Dahlia Lithwick has a must read piece on how the Supreme Court takes failing to get it to a new level.

She begins:

When constitutional historians sit down someday to compile the definitive Supreme Court Concordance of Not Getting It, the entry directly next to Lilly Ledbetter (“Court fails utterly to understand realities of gender pay discrimination”) will be Savana Redding (“Court compares strip searches of 13-year-old girls to American Pie-style locker-room hijinks”).

2 thoughts on “The Supreme Court is neither hot nor bothered by strip searches”

  1. I’ve started typing three times, and I can’t seem to find the words.

    No female — young or old — has a hope in hell of hanging on to her dignity, making decisions about/protecting her own body, or getting any kind of respect, justice, or equal treatment when these leering, misogynistic dinosaurs have their say.

    I’ll just keep praying for massive coronaries.

  2. I made my students read news articles about this case. They were absolutely floored. And the boys out number the girls in class 5 to 1.

    We’re trying to decide what we’re going to do if the court rules that strip searches in school are only a minor embarrassment when compared to the safety of the masses. We’re open to suggestions. Right now we’re thinking letter to legislators, but that might not be big enough.

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