How Much Your School District Stands to Lose in Stimulus Bill Construction Funds

“The House stimulus bill had $14 billion for school construction, but the Senate cut all school construction money from its version. See how much construction money your school district stands to lose if funding is not restored in the final bill.”

ProPublica has the data.

Nearly $28 million for Albuquerque Public Schools cut in the name of bipartisanship, or $291 per student.

2 thoughts on “How Much Your School District Stands to Lose in Stimulus Bill Construction Funds”

  1. In Tucson: $24,261,300, or $402/student. That is great! Along with the Republican controled government in AZ cutting millions, we might as well just close the public schools.

  2. We only lost a little more than six million…peanuts! But that is on top of our superintendent announcing a budget last week that cut $93 million. $93 million. That’s what happens when house prices plummet.

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