Ya’ think?

Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano is said to be President-elect Obama’s choice to direct the Department of Homeland Security.

Governor Napolitano graduated from Albuquerque’s Sandia High School in 1975. According to her Wikipedia entry, she was voted Most Likely to Succeed.

One thought on “Ya’ think?”

  1. I’ve got to say despite presiding over the state in which Sheriff Joe Arpio gets us sued on a routine basis, but is also re-elected routinely, Napolitano has always walked a remarkable centrist and sensible line down the middle on the alien worker issue.

    She would be a fresh breath in the halls of Homeland Security, I hope.

    Speaking of which, was I the only one struck by the use of the term “Homeland” when this department was created? Reminded me of Fatherland, Motherland, and seemed to have a flavor of Stalinistic or eastern European totalitarianism.

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