3 thoughts on “Most unbelievable line of the debate”

  1. I was very offended by the Angry Old Man in a Suit two sizes too big when he called Obama, “That One.” why not just call Obama “Boy” or the N*word? McCain is disgusting. How many times did he mention Lieberman? He never mentioned the Wassilla Gorilla even once. He said the President/Founder of EBay would make a great Secretary of the Treasury. Does the Old Fool know that EBay laid 10% of their work force of YESTERDAY?

  2. McCain looks as if he is gritting his teeth to hold back anger and disdain. I thought, yep, there it is, a passive aggressive poke aimed to marginalize. Makes my skin crawl.

    However, I was appalled when McCain answered the young man in the audience with “You probably never even heard of Freddie Mac or Fannie Mae before all this”. It was condescending and demeaning.

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