13 thoughts on “Planned blogginghood”

  1. What you really should be doing is preparing for the Official Niece’s birthday the next day.

  2. I voted guest bloggers…but they must blog in the NewMexiKen style….

    barring that….the sweeties could guest blog. I’d like to hear what they have to say, esp that tri-athalon sweetie. I think he’s my new hero, I really do.

  3. happy blogday! you have commented many times over the years, as if the blog is a burden. you have beseached understanding and encouragement. it’s all ok. i value your view, interests, and your guidance to other sites.
    so two poll entries are quitting or taking the day off, as if that’s a reward!
    if it is, take the day off. then come back. i like your blog. i’m a daily visitor.

  4. My seven regular readers have come to expect certain things from me, the whole periodic quitting thing among them.

    I couldn’t have a poll about the blog and leave out my main shtick.

  5. Whatever you want is fine except “Never blog again” !

    How about celebrating by creating a NewMexiKen wordle?

  6. Celebrate by posting your favorite photos of the year! As with words, you always capture the nuances of life:)

  7. I like the photo idea.

    Yes, I think by now we regular readers have come to expect the “I’m giving up blogging” post about every six months. Fortunately for us, you still haven’t gone through with it.

  8. I voted for guest blogging – you can still take the day off, but we don’t have to suffer for it. Well, depending on who you choose, I guess…

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