It’s a gas

The average U.S gallon of regular was $3.98-something yesterday and the price of crude oil jumped 5% today to $134 6.5% today to $136.60 8% today to $138.54 a barrel.

I know I’ve been stocking up. It isn’t safe to re-use plastic bottles for water, but I’ve been filling them with gasoline and storing them on a shelf in the garage. I must have 30 or 40 gallons out there by now. I’m prepared.

Here’s a list of current average prices. I see Albuquerque is among the lowest in the U.S. (I paid just $3.719 earlier this week.)

6 thoughts on “It’s a gas”

  1. I’m not sure it’s safe to store gasoline in the garage. I would not want anything to happen to NewMexiKen.

  2. You’re right, it may not be safe. Someone might get into the garage. Maybe I should store the gasoline in my guest room closet with my other valuables.

  3. Please don’t blow up our neighborhood.

    I don’t want to be reading about you in Albuquerque’s remaining fishwrap, as it’s unlikely that they’ll even give you a link.

    Seriously, folks, do NOT store gasoline in plastic bottles. Sparks will make these items explode. As we say in the biodiesel community, plastic IS fuel, from the flame’s perspective.

    It’s great how much money you saved storing a petroleum product IN a petroleum product up until someone gets hurt.

  4. Wow, John, get some of that “cheap” gas and store it. Maybe you could get a kiddie swimming pool for your backyard and keep gasoline in it.

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