Passing in the night

Do you get the feeling that gas prices and housing prices are going to pass each other going in opposite directions sometime soon?

Standard & Poor’s/Case-Shiller said its national home price index fell 14.1 percent in the first quarter compared with a year earlier, the lowest since its inception in 1988. The quarterly index covers all nine U.S. Census divisions.

Prices nationwide are at levels not seen since the third quarter of 2004 . . .

Las Vegas had the worst performance in March, falling 25.9 percent from a year earlier, followed by Miami and Phoenix.

Yahoo! News

Meanwhile AAA says that the nationwide average price for regular is $3.937, up 9.4% (33.8¢) in a month. Up a dime a gallon in five days! I want my 18.4¢ a gallon federal tax rebate.

How come Clinton and McCain quit talking about that rebate?

One thought on “Passing in the night”

  1. They quit talking about it because it (rightly, IMHO) was not resonating with voters. Let’s say you fill up once a week with 20 gallons. 20 gal. x $0.18.4 x 4 weeks per month is saving you less than $15.00 a month, $30 if you have two cars. Is that going to change anything about your consumption habits?

    I would be more concerned about what the gov’t is spending it on.

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