Just when you think people can’t get any more ignorant

Chalk this one up to hard-to-believe: a substitute teacher in Florida lost his job in part because of a magic trick.

As reported by Channel 10 in Tampa, Jim Piculas did a magic trick where he makes a toothpick disappear and reappear. What happened next? The principal called him up to the office and told him he was being accused of — wait for it, wait for it — wizardry.

Bad Astronomy Blog

7 thoughts on “Just when you think people can’t get any more ignorant”

  1. I see things haven’t gotten much better–not that I thought they would in our current socio-political climate. Back in the mid-1990s, my hubby and I were doing week-long author visits at a public school district in Central Arizona, stronghold of the Moral Majority. We were flabbergasted when the librarians related to us a memo that had recently been sent out to the staff stating that they were no longer allowed to have their students close their eyes and “imagine” that they were any place/seeing anything because such projections were considered Satanic.

    It goes right along with the Oregon family that wouldn’t let their pre-schoolers come to our library program in October because the year before we made jack-o-lanterns faces out of construction paper.

  2. I have long thought that the people in central Arizona do think Satanic thoughts when they close their eyes — as they clearly do in the voting booth.

  3. In related news, John Paul Rodgers (from the area) is the former Florida Grand Dragon for the United Clans of America was sworn in as a city commissioner in Lake Wells.

  4. Heard this on the radio this morning — the school says that they never used the word wizadry and that the trick was “so far down the list” on why he was fired.

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