6 thoughts on “What do you think?”

  1. Say it ain’t so…OTOH, I kinda feel like I have to give her the benefit of the doubt in this situation. I can see some validity in what Miley Cyrus and the Disney people say in the article about the manipulative situation of the photo shoot. And the bloggers (including, well, this one) and paparazzi ready to pounce on any unwholesome picture don’t help. It must be tough to be 15 and growing up in a fishbowl.

  2. Incredibly inappropriate. The girl is 15. There’s no reason a a girl of 15 should ever be shot naked wrapped in a satin sheet. Period.

  3. Well call me the other “L” word (liberal), but I don’t see what all the hooplah is about. You’d see far more of Miley’s skin in a bikini top than you do with a sheet wrapped around her. Judging from the slideshow present with the article, both of her parents were there to make sure nothing untoward was going on. Plus, I’ve always thought Annie Lebovitz did very cutting edge photography. She has captured the essence of generations of pop icons and done it with exceptional style and grace in my opinion.

  4. In my opinion there is no reason that a 15 year old should be photographed wrapped in bedding. While it is true that you would see more skin in a bikini that in those pictures, what is implied is much more sexual in nature. Let’s face it, a shot of her in a bikini on the beach might be “hot” but wrapped in sheets and looking coy implies that there is sex to be had. Not that I am so clueless as to think that there aren’t plenty of young (or old) men out there that would think the same thing of the bikini but you do have to admit that the sheets add more to the sexual connotation.

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