Warning: Rant Alert!

Checking the ID of 60-year-old individuals before selling them beer seems to be back in vogue around Albuquerque. It’s happened to me twice in the past few days — at a restaurant and at Costco.

Here’s what I had to say about it two years ago:

NewMexiKen had to show ID last night at the Isotopes baseball game to purchase beer. Now I am 61 years old, have four children in their thirties and six granchildren. I was of legal age 40 f***ing years ago. There is no way, much as I might feel young on the inside, that I look like I could be under 21.

What kind of foolishness requires servers and vendors to check the age of every customer? Doesn’t that obvious overkill actually undermine the legitimacy of the liquor laws? (Sort of like “drug free zones” near schools — drugs are illegal but they’re really, really illegal around schools.)

When I was 17 or 19 I would have had no problem getting alcoholic beverages. I’m fairly certain today’s 17 or 19 year olds have little trouble if they really want it. What mis-guided moron thought up the policy of checking the IDs of grandparents?

And it’s just sad when the waitress or cashier says, “You don’t want me to get fired, do you?” Well, of course I don’t want them to get fired. I want them to quit and look for a job where they are enabled to use some common sense.

And you know what galls me the most? I was buying Michelob Ultra in both instances. (Don’t ask.) I mean that stuff is like making love in a canoe.

You know — f**king close to water.

7 thoughts on “Warning: Rant Alert!”

  1. Interesting what brings out the sailor in you. I don’t remember you ever cursing before, not even with substitute punctuation.

    But get between you and beer and out fly the F-bombs.

    I’m learning so much.

  2. Our closest liquor store cards everyone. I occasionally want to snarl, “You think I put these white wings at my temples just to get a bottle of shiraz,” but mostly I just cave and hand over my driver’s license.

  3. For the record — not that the F-word is anything to champion — or to avoid in the right context — but it appeared on these pages in the very first week of this blog’s existence, albeit in a quotation. And as Hugh so generously pointed out the other day, it has made cameo appearances here ever since.

    Actually it’s too good a word to use cavalierly.

  4. I find it annoying to have a cashier at a pizza joint ask for ID for a $6 purchase when I can buy a $3,000 computer, or camera, online without a signature. like I’m going to use a stolen credit card for a penny ante purchase.

  5. Ken, I do have to admit that as I inch my way into my forties, I am quite disappointed that I no longer get carded. It’s not that I’m not willing to age gracefully, but still……throw me a bone once and a while.

  6. The server at Los Cuates this weekend–who looked younger than my kid’s babysitter–informed me that someone who used to work there is doing 90 days in MDC for selling to underage patrons in a sting operation. She said that her training included, Card everyone or you’re fired immediately, I’ll serve the sopas myself!

    A manager willing to carry the fajita platter is a seriously scared person.

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