Raising the quality of insults

Taking a lesson from Saint Francis Xavier, born on this date in 1506 (see here), NewMexiKen has decided to raise the level of the insults I hurl, for example, at other drivers. From now on, instead of “Hey, a**hole,” or “m*****f*****,” or some other Deadwood appropriate language, I am simply going to yell:

“It upsets me to know that at the hour of your death you may be ordered out of paradise.”

2 thoughts on “Raising the quality of insults”

  1. This isn’t silly at all. Can you imagine what that guy is going to tell his wife later that day? Instead of not mentioning it at all, or saying “some pr1ck cut me off in traffic”, he’ll say, “You won’t believe this, honey. . . .”

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