What’s your favorite sport?

We’re in those terrible February doldrums between the Super Bowl and March Madness. Even spring training games haven’t begun, and basketball is still just routine regular season match ups.

That makes it a good time to ask — what is your favorite sport to watch? If asked during the NFL playoffs or bowls or during March Madness or the World Series, your emotions might rule your answer. Right now it’s difficult to even have any emotions about sports (other than to despise Fox broadcaster Joe Buck, which if I were czar would be THE national pastime).

So, here’s the latest NewMexiKen poll. I’ve limited it to nine ten choices, knowing that I may have overlooked your personal favorite. But hey, too many choices and the poll becomes meaningless. [Belatedly I added NHL (pro hockey) in case I had a Canadian reader.]


3 thoughts on “What’s your favorite sport?”

  1. I gave my vote to hockey as my favorite from among the choices provided, but horse racing is my real favorite and always has been.

  2. For me, it’s a definite split. Hockey is near and dear to my limbic system. Football can keep me riveted for hours on end. Before my knee decided to destroy itself, I could do 75 miles on the road on my old 10-speed, so I have watched every cycling competition available. (Including triathlon.) And college hoops are the only hoops worth watching, unless you have a live feed from a neighborhood blacktop.

    Baseball? I fall asleep at a baseball game. And have the sunburn to prove it.
    Pro basketball? They may love the game, but the money loves them back.
    NASCAR? Left turn. Yay.
    Golf? What a beautiful park they have all to themselves. Just wish they would take out the sandbox and put in a barbecue area.
    Soccer? Maybe if I could either learn the rules or give out Academy Award nominations for the players.

    Favorite sports not on the list? Tennis and the WWE.
    Worst sport not on the list? Bowling.

  3. I’m a soccer player, but I had to go with pro football.

    Not saying I won’t watch a good soccer game if it’s on, but the NFL is still king.

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