Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.

Jill, official older daughter of NewMexiKen, reports:

Last night, the boys were, as usual, not giving me an inch of breathing room. Finally, in exasperation, I sighed, “I can’t wait until you guys are teenagers!”

“Why, Mommy?”

“Because then you will always want to be off doing your own thing, or hanging out with your friends. You won’t want me all the time. I’ll have some time for myself.” Then I reconsidered. “Actually, that makes me sad. One day I’ll be begging you, ‘Boys, please come spend time with me, please snuggle me’ and you’ll tell me ‘No, we’re too busy with our own lives.'”

Their eyes got big and round. Both of them immediately started shaking their heads. “No, no, we’ll say yes. We’ll still want to be with you Mommy!”

Then Aidan asked, “Mommy, are you a teenager?”

“No. I was a teenager a long time ago. But now I’m an old lady.”

Again, both heads started shaking. Mack said, “You’re not old, Mommy!” And Aidan added, “You’re not old. You’re still…shiny.”

So now I have my new Life Motto. Jill: Still Shiny.

3 thoughts on “Ah, but I was so much older then, I’m younger than that now.”

  1. Shiny happy Jilly. I knew her eons ago as a teenager and think mommyhood has truly made her more radiant.

  2. That’s hilarious. Sofie thinks I’m still young, too. Although, as she puts it, I’m not “little” like she is, or “really big” like daddy is, rather, “Mommy, you’re just still medium.” “Medium” is the new 20.

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