The Decider

With his approval numbers dropping into the twenties, President Bush begins to fear for his legacy. His advisers recommend he go on Fox News and have a no-holds-barred, frank one-on-one discussion with a hard-hitting newsman like Brit Hume. Bush agrees.

Unexpectedly, Hume is ready. Among the first questions he asks is for President Bush to explain his relationship with Vice President Cheney.

Bush says they have a relationship that’s easy to understand. “I wanted him to be my vice president, so I agreed that he could make all the small decisions and I would make all the big ones.”

Hume says, “That’s great. Can you give us an example of a big decision?”

Bush responds, “Well, there haven’t been any big decisions yet, but if one comes up, I’m ready to make it.”

4 thoughts on “The Decider”

  1. it’s an editorial cartoon, and a damn good one –rolls up a lot of what has been going on over the last six years into ten sentences. brevity is the soul of wit.

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