New NewMexiKen Poll

NewMexiKen read yesterday about a movement in Vermont advocating that the state leave the United States. Other states have similar talk.

NewMexiKen thought the issue of secession had been settled in 1865. What do you think? The comments are available for you to elaborate.


8 thoughts on “New NewMexiKen Poll”

  1. I’m guessing you all are just kidding about Texas, but in case you’re serious:

    “The union between Texas and the other States was as complete, as perpetual, and as indissoluble as the union between the original States.”

    U.S. Supreme Court, State of Texas v. White, 74 U.S. 700 (1868)

    Contrary to the urban myth, there is nothing in the Joint Resolution for Annexing Texas to the United States that reserved a right to secede.

    Texas did reserve the right to divide into four or more states. That would be a good way to get eight or more new U.S. senators — and eight or more additional electoral votes.

  2. Yes, based on the fact that the U.S. Constitution does not prohibit secession, some would interpret any state’s status as part of the United States as being voluntary. So, the assertion that Texas is the only state is incorrect as NewMexiKen states. He is also right that it could be divided into four states. I live in Texas and have to listen to Texans say this all the time. (I’m a New Mexico native). Texas does have the right to fly the Texas flag even with the U.S. flag.

  3. I was totally teasing, as I’m sure Tom was.

    And for the record, Duh-bya’s no Texan. He’s from Connecticut.

  4. The Constitution begins with “We the people of the United States…” not “We the states.”

    It would require a constitutional amendment for a state to leave. People can leave; the states can’t.

    I can see this poll attracted a lot of interest — not. I’ll make certain the next poll is about Britney or Lindsay.

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