Why Didn’t She Just Call Nanny 9-1-1?

DECEMBER 5–A South Carolina boy, 12, was arrested Sunday morning after his mother called police to report that he had unwrapped a Christmas present without her permission. According to a Rock Hill Police Department report …, the child opened a Nintendo Game Boy, though he had been directed not to by family members. When the boy’s mother learned that the $85 gift had been opened, she called cops, who charged the juvenile with petty larceny. In an interview with The Herald newspaper, the boy’s mother, a 27-year-old single parent, described her son as a disruptive child, noting that she hoped his arrest would serve as a corrective to disorderly behavior at school and home.

The Smoking Gun

2 thoughts on “Why Didn’t She Just Call Nanny 9-1-1?”

  1. Can someone explain to me why the police charged the juvenile, rather than making a call to social services about getting help for a seriously screwed up parent that needs help developing parenting skills?

    Better yet, while I’m not a huge fan of faith based social services, this is a classic case for intervention by a clergyman.

    Finally, the math.

    27-12=15-1=pregnant at 14.

    Are we surprised that this mother has trouble being a good parent?

  2. Update. Why am I not surprised that the cops are ready to prosecute a black twelve year old in a situation they probably wouldn’t with a white twelve year old.

    And, one can see that the 12 year old is pretty messed up (kicked out of school and arrested for assaulting a cop already), so one can see why the cop felt a need to do something, although a juvenile charge still seems inappropriate for this particular incident.

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