4 thoughts on “The Snow of the Century in Albuquerque”

  1. Some great shots! I love the untouched sunset. Stunning!
    We went to the library/dog park off Unser. There were hundreds of kids and adults (and a few doggies) riding sleds, discs, cardboard, and basically anything they could get their hands on, down the slopes of “The Bowl” as it has become known. Every person there was in such a good mood and having so much fun… including me and my own. What a great time we all had today!
    Driving home was beautiful.
    Today was a great day to live in Albuquerque!

  2. Apparently, I am the snow fairy. I move here and we immediately start having the kind of snow I thought I left behind in Missouri.

    I wonder what would happen if I moved to Tucson?

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