The national news media sucks

The media, so-called liberal and otherwise, have started their deconstruct of Barack Obama. He’s a smoker. He wears casual clothes. His middle name is Hussein. Let’s turn him into a cartoon character before the American people can make an honest assessment.

[Insert strong profanity of your choice here.]

FDR smoked. Oh, and he couldn’t walk. Harry Truman’s middle name was “S”. Eisenhower is said to have smoked four packs of Camels a day during the War.

Does Obama have a position on health care, social security, the environment, taxes, the war in Iraq. Who knows?

But he smokes and his middle name is Hussein (which he had very little to do with, by the way, and is the name of his father and grandfather just as my middle name is from my father and grandfather).

Idiots. Unpatriotic, self-serving idiots.

2 thoughts on “The national news media sucks”

  1. Technically, the National News Media suck, “media” being a plural.

    It’s not often an English major gets to triumph.

  2. It isn’t just the media. I recently saw Obama in a TV interview in which he told about ordering a sandwich in a diner and having his handlers freak out when he asked the waitress for Dijon mustard. They insisted that he stick with the plain yellow stuff.

    Obviously only elitist snobs and ultra liberals would want Dijon mustard with their sandwich.

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