Getting paid to act her age: 97

Every couple of months my friend Mae Laborde checks in to let me know how her acting career is going. She’s in a tough racket, to say the least, but Mae is definitely a working actress, with a steady flow of jobs in commercials, TV shows and film. Not bad for someone who just broke into the business four years ago, at the age of 93.

“Listen to this, honey,” Mae said the other day on the phone. “I’ve just had a call to go to a studio near Hollywood. It’s for some kind of TV show, I think, and I didn’t even have to audition for this one. They just called and said I had the job. Not bad, huh?”

She’ll be A-list by the time she hits 100, I swear it.

Read more from Steve Lopez in the Los Angeles Times.

At an open house yesterday NewMexiKen was impressed by a beautiful woman possibly 80. She was wearing a quite attractive sweater that depicted a nativity scene. It even had, on the lower back, two of the three kings, apparently showing up late (as indeed they did). It was lovely, but even lovelier was the way we were made to understand, quite unequivocably, that she’d gotten it from “Neiman Marcus.”

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