Feedback Time

While fixing the bug in NewMexiKen, I decided to just go ahead and redo the whole site.


Polling mechanism supplied by Diebold.

3 thoughts on “Feedback Time”

  1. Diebold polling mechanisms are surely the best there ever was. But jokes about them are even better.

  2. It may just be that I was simply comfortable with the old look, and therefore prefer it. Sort of like an old pair of shoes (and you’ve seen how old my shoes are!). Not that the old look should be compared to my ratty old shoes, just the being comfortable part. 😉

    So…. I wonder who will have the 3000th comment on NewMexiKen. It says 2994 right now.

  3. The picture (of the luminarias) is seasonal and to some extent so are the colors (the red border especially).

    Update: Masthead photo changed December 10th.

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