Poor Aidan

Just three Tuesday, Aidan found out from his mother Wednesday that Abraham Lincoln was dead and they couldn’t go visit him. The little guy cried for 20 minutes.

I feel the same way some times.

Which reminded me of a meme1 I saw at Shakespeare’s Sister.

“If you could sit down to a meal with a president (any president) and ask him one question: who is the president and what is the question?”

Shakes’ Sister suggested George W. Bush and her question was “What the f**k?”

I think I’d have to choose Lincoln. And, being from New Mexico, of course I’d have to ask him, “Red or green?”

1 A meme is an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.

“Red or green?” is the official state question of New Mexico. It refers to the kind of chile you’d like on your New Mexican cuisine. Check it out.

One thought on “Poor Aidan”

  1. After the 20 minutes, Aidan said, “Maybe he’ll come back to life and then we can go visit him.” Which is one of the really cool things about being three.

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