Why is it?

Why is it that male television sportscasters covering baseball or football games wear jackets and ties?

Why is it that restaurants seem to have so many more personnel than they used to — two or more hostesses, a doorman/woman, runners that bring the food — but much of the time the service is poor?

Why is it that so many restaurants are so noisy? What consultant said, “And it’s a good idea to have an open ceiling to echo and emphasize all the sound”? It’s not a good idea. It’s an awful idea.

And for that matter, why is it that so many restaurants think it’s a great idea to have the kitchen and dining area all in one big open space? I don’t want to see the kitchen — and I especially don’t want to hear it. I don’t think I’m alone in this.

And. why is it that, in Albuquerque, the El Pinto restaurant is so inconsistent? A few weeks back, with out-of-town guests, it was nearly perfect — good food, excellent and attentive service. This week the food was mediocre and the service worse than indifferent. People, it’s time to quit glorifying in the spotlight (President Bush has eaten there five times) and re-focus.

Why is it that, seemingly, every Albuquerque police cruiser I have ever seen has been speeding? Has it occured to APD that this might undermine respect for them in the community and efforts at law enforcement in general?

And why is it that undocumented immigrants are called “illegal aliens”? We don’t call people with traffic convictions “illegal drivers.” We don’t call tax cheats “illegal citizens.” We don’t call baseball players with obvious steroid use “illegal ballplayers.”